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dc.contributor.authorMehrotra 20GSOB2010101, Riddhi
dc.contributor.authorSrivastava (Supervisor), Ms Isha
dc.identifier.citationBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONen_US
dc.descriptionThe world has open up into the new millennium and along with it has developed a new era of intense competition. The organizations have shifted from production orientation to focus on the knowledge creation by each and every individual of the organization. In a competitive global business scenario, no organization will be able to survive unless it matches the duality and the cost of its competitors. Presently the focus is to concentrate more upon changing the attitude of employees, enabling them to take up independent responsibilities and thus motivating them to use their capabilities in their respective areas of excellence. Emerging business environment is forcing the businesses to find new ways to remain competitive. Organizations face an environment characterized by a number of challenges and key issues that have increased the importance of Human Resource Management considerations in business decision-making. These include increased level of competition, human resources diversity, changing value systems and above all the rapid technological advances. In the globally competitive and challenging business scenario, our success will be, to a great extent, influenced by how we manage our human resources – the people who make things happen. The traditional role of man managers has undergone drastic changes to meet the challenges of the next millennium and achieve excellence, responsible trade unionism, productivity – oriented work practices and aggressive professional management would be essential. Human beings are the most precious part of an organisation. The success or failure of an enterprise largely depends on the people who man the organisation. Quoted by Alfred Marshall” “the most valuable of all capital is that invested in human beings.en_US
dc.description.abstractJob satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the job. It is the overall positive feeling that employees have towards their job and the pleasurable or positive emotional state which a person derives from the positive experiences on the job. Many variables, including productivity, absenteeism, turnover etc are linked to job satisfaction. It can be believed that a person’s attitude may affect his or her behavior. Attitudes and beliefs can cause a person to work harder, or opposite may occur, or they may work less. Job satisfaction studies usually focus on various dimensions that are considered to be important, since these jobs related attitudes affect an employee to behave in certain ways. It also affects a person’s general well-being. Therefore, if a person is dissatisfied with their work, it may lead to dissatisfaction in the other areas of their life. Keeping workers delighted helps to enhance a company in many ways. The objective of this report was to study the contribution of each factor to the total job satisfaction of working people and to find out the difference on level of job satisfaction of men and women. In this report a study was conducted on 200 working people which consisted of 100 men and 100 women to conclude the above-mentioned objectives. The study was conducted using standardized questionnaire consisting of 30 questions of positive and negative aspects of the job. The analysis of the study concludes that the major factor contributing to the level of satisfaction is the psycho social factor which is an extrinsic factor affecting job satisfaction. This factor consists of the items like social status, increase in efficiency, widening of social circle, developing a desirable lifestyle, internal mobility like promotion and increase in responsibility, and also a final question which asked the overall satisfaction level of an individual’s job. Also, the study concluded that men have higher level of job satisfaction when compared to women.en_US

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