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dc.contributor.authorKeshari, Shubham Kumar (19GSOB1010172)
dc.contributor.authorRaj, Shreyansh (19GSOB1010153)
dc.contributor.authorChauhan, Siddhant (19GSOB1010)
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Prof. Ms. Niharika
dc.descriptionElectronic communication has become an important means for conducting banking activities, as the banking industry becomes more competitive as a result. People now relyon technolology as a mechanism for improving their quality of life and economic growth. As a highly dynamic business entity in the world network, bank offers better services to people who use online banking. This allows banks to offer their products and services and to buy and sell them. One of the newest activities using electronic services is providing banking and financial services through mobile phones. As a result, the financial sector is becoming increasingly competitive worldwide with demanding customers .Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for mobile banking services for financial transactions has grown significantly. Mobile-banking is considered as one approach for providing financial services through ICT which facilitates selection of mobile services even by those with low incomes. Most Perceptual Compatibility effects on behavioral intent; on the other hand, Credibility, performance expectations, effort expectations, and social influence, in order of their impact, Significantly affects people's attitudes towards mobile banking. Behavioral Intention Researchers have used it to conduct research Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) describe a Individuals accept mobile banking. they have Added some factors to explain user intent Use mobile banking. established normative beliefs, Use Cases, Privacy, Security, Utilities, and Earlier Experience, technical ability, lifestyle, trust, etc. reputation. Another study in Tanzania showed Two additional factors are cost and demographics. Other research highlights satisfaction, trust and usage is the variable that determines customer loyalty to mobile devices Bank. Therefore, mobile banking has become Primary way of conducting financial transactions Infected by coronavirus. But most studies Skip the challenges of adopting mobile banking Financial Services. Financial Institutions Mobile Banking Allows Users Access their facilities anytime, anywhere. Such equipment has advantages over traditional equipment Bank. Because there are more mobile phones than computers, Mobile banking is more popular than c-banking among bankers. Phones have also improved the quality service, as customers can handle their financial tasks anytime, anywhere. Therefore, obviously, using Mobile phones for banking make sense for both customers and benches. This leads to the creation of a more robust Relationship between financial institutions and customers. Consumers are very reluctant to use mobile banking Related to technical knowledge, perceived ease Use, efficacy and risks of using technology. Lack of differentiation among banks, etc. Lack of trust in the system, objectivity or lack of The certainty and uncertainty here lead to reluctance to accept Mobile Banking Services. German consumers say only 12% use their Mobile phone for banking or shopping.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research is performed to determine mobile banking and internet banking financial results. Over the last few years, the mobile and wireless market has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world and it is still growing at a rapid pace. This opens up huge markets for financial institutions interested in offering value added services. With mobile technology, banks can offer a wide range of services to their customers such as doing funds transfer while traveling, receiving online updates of stock price or even performing stock trading while being stuck in traffic. Mobile devices, especially smart-phones, are the most promising way to reach the masses and to create ―stickiness among current customers, due to their ability to provide services anytime, anywhere, with high rate of penetration and potential to grow. Internet Banking helped to give the customer's anytime access to their banks. Customers could check out their account details, get their bank statements, perform transactions like transferring money to other accounts and pay their bills sitting in the comfort of their homes and offices. However the biggest limitation of Internet banking is the requirement of a PC with an Internet connection, not a big obstacle if we look at the US and the European countries, but definitely a big barrier if we consider most of the developing countries of Asia like Bangladesh. Mobile banking addresses this fundamental limitation of Internet Banking, as it reduces the customer requirement to just a mobile phone. Mobile usage has seen an explosive growth in the world. The main reason that Mobile Banking scores over Internet Banking is that it enables ̳Anywhere Anytime Banking'en_US
dc.subjectCOVID-19 PANDEMICen_US

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