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dc.contributor.authorCHOUDHARY, KAVYA (19GSOB1010166)
dc.contributor.authorTABREZ, KHALID (19GSOB1010507)
dc.contributor.authorKrishna, Dr. Ram Supervisor
dc.identifier.citationBEHAVIOUR TOWARDS PAINTSen_US
dc.descriptionThe study of consumers, groups, or organizations, as well as all behaviors involved with the buying, usage, and disposal of goods and services, is known as consumer behavior. Consumer behavior refers to how a person's thoughts, opinions, and interests influence their purchasing decisions. The amount of participation a customer does in a purchase decision determines their purchasing behavior. The degree of risk involved in a purchase, influences purchasing behavior as well. Higher-priced goods carry a higher risk, requiring more participation in purchasing decisions. Personal and group emotions manifested in the form of buying patterns determine a company's marketing successes or failures. Because the consumer is the basis for any company's existence, it's critical to get to know them and analyze their purchasing habits. Those psychological, social, and physical behavior of prospective consumers when they become aware, analyze, purchase, consume, and tell other people about goods and services" is defined as consumer buying behavior.en_US
dc.description.abstractEarlier when houses were built or renovated, consumers did not give much attention to the paints used. Painting was never given as much importance when decisions were made regarding a house construction, but over the years due to the increase in competition, growth in infrastructure, consumer awareness about beauty, ambience and upkeep of their building, the consumer has become aware about the importance of buying best paints. People have started given a lot of importance to make their homes look beautiful and aesthetic. Initially the decision to buy paints depended up on the contractor or the construction firm but now it has slowly become part of the final user’s decision. With government assistance for the building and infrastructure sector, the industry is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the next five years, with enormous growth potential. This study talks about various paint brands with a focus on customers preferences, needs, wants and the factors that affects their decision while buying paints. This study also proves an already proven fact that Asian paint is the largest and most trusted paint brand in India. The study aims to determine how a company's efforts should be channeled and how they should formulate their future strategies according to the consumer preferences. The study also shows the impact of how a company's branding exercise and marketing strategies affects a consumer’s purchasing decisions towards paints.en_US
dc.subjectConsumer buying behaviorsen_US
dc.subjectFactors affecting iten_US
dc.subjectIndian paints industryen_US
dc.subjectAsian paintsen_US

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