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dc.contributor.authorSingh, Aarti (19SBAS1130006)
dc.contributor.authorJoshi, Sagar (19SBAS1130015)
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Sanskar (19SBAS1130014)
dc.contributor.authorGarg, Dr. Vanita - SUPERVISOR
dc.descriptionOptimization is the process of selecting the best option among the available options. It provides us with a set of instruments, mostly drawn from computer science and mathematics, that may be applied to practically any field, including business, industry, biology, physics, medical data mining, engineering, and even the fine arts. Advanced matrix computation techniques and methods, graph theory, and optimization are being used more and more in the data mining industry. These techniques define data mining tasks as optimization problems with matrix variables and describe the data using a matrix representation (the graphs are represented by their adjacency matrix). With these, the effort of data mining is reduced to the process of minimising or maximising the anticipated objective function of the matrix's variables.en_US
dc.description.abstractParticle Swarm Optimization is a very effective Nature influenced innovation that relic widely used in solving many real-world problems over the years. This paper is an attempt to embed different mutation schemes in PSO and testing the different versions of PSO on camera calibration problem. One of the more challenging real-world issues in the realm of image processing is the calibration of cameras. The ideal parameter value for achieving the shortest pixel length is investigated in this research using the enlarged Particle Swarm Optimization approach. The results obtained in the empirical section of the paper suggest that PSO has proved to be a better version while embedding different mutation strategies for this problem.en_US
dc.subjectParticle Swarm Optimization,en_US
dc.subjectCamera calibration problemen_US
dc.titleEmbedded Mutation Strategies in Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving Camera Calibration Problemen_US

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