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dc.contributor.authorKapruwan, Manish (19SBAS1130010)
dc.contributor.authorPandey, Priyavrat (19SBAS1130023)
dc.contributor.authorKunjwal, Suraj (19SBAS1130016)
dc.contributor.authorGautam, Dr. Varsha Supervisor
dc.identifier.citationTOPOLOGIES USING GRAPH THEORYen_US
dc.descriptionA network is a system that allows two or more computers (also known as nodes) to communicate with one another. These computers, also known as participating nodes, actively participate in the communication process, and topology is merely the configuration of how these nodes will interact [1,2]. It is a topology that controls how data flows between nodes [10]. As a result, the structure and arrangement of components in a computer communication system is known as network topology. As a result, it is a configuration of two or more nodes talking with one another, usually over the internet via a specific media. It facilitates communication among these nodes. Each node must be connected to other nodes using the appropriate sort of topology for a network to function properly. The sort of topology used has a big impact on how well devices are used. It is critical to choose the right type of topology to adopt in order for the network to function properly with proper message transmission and reception. To gain a better understanding of a network and how communication occurs, it is critical to grasp and comprehend the underpinning topology on which the entire network is built. Its appropriate implementation considerably enhances the network's performance. A better performing topology aids in progressively increasing the speed with which a message is carried over the network [3,4]. A better-performing topology aids in improving the rate at which a message is transmitted throughout the network. Better network, the shorten the communication delay. On many levels, making the right decision about the sort of topology to use is advantageous. First and foremost, it lowers implementation costs right from the start. Even in the long run, it saves a lot of money on operations and maintenance. The decision to select a decent topology proves to be advantageous in every way. Even yet, diagnosing or locating a flaw in the topology is simple. A solid implementation of this topology will also aid in the efficient use of all network resources. The cost of operations will be reduced automatically if resources are properly utilized.en_US
dc.description.abstractNetwork Topology is an optimized design or an arrangement of the network including its nodes and the connecting lines. Being an arrangement of various components of network it helps us in defining the layout of structure of network like communication with another node or point effortlessly. It presents not only physical framework but also logical connections too. With the understanding of physical topology, we can easily get to know that where do we have to install the cable and nodes, whereas logical topology explains the flow of data and its transmission. Keeping this in view, a review has been done about various network topologies. In this work, network connectivity has been discussed with the help of graph theory and advantages, disadvantages of various network topologies are also explained.en_US

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