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dc.contributor.authorTiwari, Vishal Kumar
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Dr. Bhavna (Guide)
dc.description.abstractInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) can be a valuable tool in promoting sustainability within organizations. ICT can contribute to creating sustainable organizations in several ways, including: 1. Using energy-efficient hardware and infrastructure: By implementing energy-efficient technology such as low-power servers and lighting, organizations can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. 2. Leveraging cloud computing: Organizations can reduce energy consumption by storing and accessing data and applications via the internet instead of maintaining in-house data centers. 3. Adopting virtual meetings and remote work: The use of ICT enables virtual meetings and remote work, which can reduce carbon emissions associated with commuting and business travel. 4. Utilizing data analytics: Data analytics can help organizations identify areas where they can reduce energy consumption and waste by identifying patterns in energy consumption and waste generation. 5. Implementing green supply chain management: Organizations can use ICT tools to monitor the environmental impact of their suppliers and identify opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint. In summary, the use of ICT can be critical in advancing sustainability within organizations. By implementing strategies such as using energy-efficient technology and cloud computing, promoting remote work, utilizing data analytics, and adopting green supply chain management practices, organizations can improve their sustainability and contribute to a more environmentally friendly planet.en_US
dc.publisherGalgotias Universityen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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