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dc.contributor.authorSHARMA, VIBHU
dc.description.abstractThe adoption of a responsible approach towards natural resources is rapidly gaining in significance in today‘s business environment. Social and societal responsibility are becoming a yardstick via which corporate success is measured. At the same time, however, companies are faced with rising raw material prices and increasing cost pressures. Growing water and land pollution, the potential for raw material depletion, and plastics' resilience to physical and chemical forces all contribute to the significance of synthetic polymer waste recycling, recovery, and ecologically appropriate disposal methods. Liquid isocyanate and liquid polyol resin components are frequently combined to produce polyurethanes, which are incredibly complex chemically. Polyurethanes are used in an exceptionally wide number of industrial applications, including carpet underlay, mattresses, furniture cushions, and the automobile industry. The processing of PU waste can be advantageous economically and environmentally thanks to a variety of tested and used processes, the two most significant of which are regrinding and glycolysis. Through these technologies, polyurethane rigid foams and composites can be recycled in a new, efficient, and cost-efficient way. The intrinsic energy value of polyurethanes may be recovered using current technology, which also cuts down on the need of fossil fuels.en_US
dc.subjectComputer Science, Engineering, Polyurethane waste, recycle, sustainable developmenten_US
dc.titleAn Investigation on Possibilities for the sustainable development of Polyurethane waste recycling processesen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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