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dc.contributor.authorJain, Atal
dc.description.abstractThe growing urban population has made it necessary to construct tall buildings, as the height of the building is increased wind becomes a major factor. An increase in high lateral wind force also increases. Wind flow around, and on, structures is a complicated phenomenon that consists varieties of flow simulations and the structure gets affected by it, and buffeting, vortex shedding,galloping, etc. is observed. These factors should be considered at the very early stage of designing to avoid any mishap and can contribute to the instability of buildings. Nearby building structures influence the wind pressure on our very own structure that is to be designed, these pressures are very difficult to calculate as they fluctuate. Computational Fluid Dynamics is useful for wind loading on bluff bodies, Wind loading on moving bodies, Heating and Ventilation (HVAC), Fire safety engineering, etc. In this project, we used Simscale to analyze wind loads on different building shapes Using particle trace we can simulate the wind movements on any given point of the building. Using different iterations, we were able to find the best shape for handling wind loads.By analyzing different geometric shapes, we can compare them with each other.Wind moves in a three-dimension direction so it affects different surfaces, it's important to learn about the impact of wind on differential geometry. To learn about the impact of wind on building and its effect on the structure is important to do structural analysis with wind load, dead load, live load, seismic load, and other loads to find the displacement of the building and its stories. An Individual’s state of mind in which he/she feels hot or cold is defined as thermaldiscomfort. Managing thermal discomfort is very important as it increases productivity and improves health and safety.. Suggested thermal comfort must fall in the range -0.5 to +0.5 of PMV.en_US
dc.subjectCivil Engineering, SOIL INVESTIGATION, Wind, Tall Building, Designen_US
dc.titleWind Analysis and Design of Tall Buildingen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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