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dc.contributor.authorBansal, Ayush
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Ashutosh
dc.contributor.authorBaghela, Vishwadeepak Singh
dc.description.abstractGenerally, electronic technology has been used to automate traditional systems. So, a variety of operating systems were shown in a variety of ways. These systems are similar to healthcare in that they provide services to both the company and its employees. Traditional data operations systems for drugstores, as an example, are limited in capacity, time-consuming, drug availability, managing the drug store, and the need for good staff based on the conditions of employment prospects. It is proposed in this paper that a sanitarium-pharmacy system be put in place to help alleviate the issues mentioned above. Two main corridor databases and Graphical Stoner Interface (GSI) frames have been proposed for the Iraqi sanitarium's drugstore data operation system. SQL Garçon was used to build a database containing information about drugstores that can be used by untrained users of the proposed system. Drugstore operations in a sanitarium are monitored and controlled by an offer system that monitors and controls all aspects of drug ordering and reporting.en_US
dc.subjectComputer Science, Engineering, Inventory Management, Pharmacy, Tracking Systemen_US
dc.titlePharmacy Inventory Management & Drug Tracking Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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