2023: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 320
K1UD221T / BLA01132 - Political Science-II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
K1UC421T - German-II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
K1UC420T / BLA01028 / BLA02028 / BALB2023 / BBLB2023 - French-II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
K1UB420T - World History
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
K1UB221T / BLA01002/BLA02002 - Economics-II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
K1UA421T / BLA01023 /BLA02023 - Psychology
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
JIUB406T / BLA01021 / BLA02021- Laws Relating to Trademark
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
JIUB402T/ BLA01139 / BLA02139 - Law of Crimes II IPC
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
JIUB401T/BLA01138/BLA02138/BBLB2025 - Constitutional Law II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB405T / BLA02036 - Health Law
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB404T - Natural Resources Management Law
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB403T / BLA01034 - Law On Disaster Management
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB203T/BLA01131/BALB1021 - History-II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB202T/BLA01134/BLA02134/BBLB1027 - Law of Contract II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UB201T - BALB1023-BBLB1023 - English For Lawyers II
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
JIUB101T - English for Lawyers I
(Galgotias University, 2023-08) -
J1UA411T / BLA03019 - Laws Relating to Patent
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UA410T / BLLB2033 - Administration of Criminal Justice-I
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UA409T - Law of Mergers and Acquisitions
(Galgotias University, 2023-06) -
J1UA408T - Immigration Law
(Galgotias University, 2023-06)