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dc.contributor.authorTIWARI, MEENAKSHI
dc.contributor.authorDR. SAKSHI BANSAL, (Supervisor)
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION : Weight issues are more common among ladies than men. Dieting and physical workout can produce weight reduction that can be maintained. The central reason is an energy imbalance between energy burned-through and energy exhausted. PURPOSE : The role of exercise training (ET) and Calorie-deficit diet (CDD) in the prevention of weight gain. OBJECTIVE : The goal were to track down the pervasiveness of overweight individuals in the metropolitan population and to investigate the impacts of dietary variables and active work on the weight status of the members METHODS : 30 participants were selected and randomly divided into three groups. Resistance/aerobic training and CDD were recommended for 6 week. Compared all the pre and post training results of AT/RT and CDD to know which is more effective for weight reduction. American obesity foundation (AOF) questionnaires were used. RESULTS : p-value in all three training programs are less than alpha value and the average of CDD is 2.6 and the BMI was reduced from 73.17 to 70.57. The mean difference of RT and AT is 2.55 and BMI was reduced in RT from 82.22 to79.83 and in AT, from 79.29 to 76.53. All three training programs helped in the reduction of body weight as well as BMI. CONCLUSION : Results indicate that resistance training enhances muscle strength. Aerobic exercise alone leads to significant weight reduction. CDD is effective for weight reduction but not compared with AT alone.en_US
dc.publisherGalgotias Universityen_US
dc.titleEffect of Resistance/Aerobic and Calorie-Deficit Diet on overweight peopleen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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